How do existing frameworks open up a discussion? Response to Skype discussion 04/11/2018
Interesting thoughts were discussed about how knowledge is embodied at a practical and theoretical level. As dancers we have different ways of communicating knowledge on an emotional and kinaesthetic level, which are equally valid in the same way as verbal or written communication.
From a teaching perspective there needs to be a deep level of understanding and choices provided by the teacher so our students can build up their own way of expressing themselves. Embodiment should not be about conforming to another person’s perspective it is about finding individual enlightenment.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory was mentioned with regards to how different people learn and how experience relates to learning. This is an example of a framework, we do not necessarily have to agree with, but it is useful nonetheless to help us find answers or make conclusions.
Whilst literature is not conclusive, it does offer a framework for discussion. For example, I have used Claxton (2003), to discuss conscious and unconscious thinking and intuition with regards to my enquiry. It is not universal truth on the subject; It is one perspective which opens up further questions and discussion.
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