Reflecting on the value of Dance In Education
Dance is not only a subject area, it
is a physical activity and a kinaesthetic way of learning. Discipline and
hidden meanings and codes often referred to as "sub text" can be used to creatively
teach values.
As teachers of dance we are constantly evolving our
practice and keeping things creative and moving forwards. Other subjects such as mathematics and science have
less flexibility as content remains the same. As creative practitioners we need to think outside the
box, rather then stay within our comfort zone, to further our own professional development.
In my opinion, dance has value in improving self-esteem, confidence, memory, team work, as well as reinforcing skills learnt such as co-ordination, balance, control and flexibility. Rather like Aesops Fables, which teach morality, dance can be used to teach the importance of individual and collective responsibility.
In this way, dance can
have a positive impact on society. By re-introducing some of the discipline and
core values through dance, encouraging community and social etiquette, we can
improve the behaviour and contribution the next generation have on society.
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