Knowing and Learning - “Old dog, new tricks”

Response to 8pm Skype - 10/02/2019

The Skype discussion was interesting from the perspective that having completed all three modules and sitting in limbo (waiting for results), I was able to appreciate the feelings of uncertainty and “not knowing”, that others starting new modules faced.

Embracing new ideas is always interesting. This would be the third time I have visited the topic of “knowing and learning”, in this MA, but it continues to amaze me how people generate new and fresh points of view. This continual process of learning or even re-learning, emphasises the fluidity of the process of gaining experiential knowledge and also highlights the value of each other’s professional practice and what we can share with others. 

How we communicate this translation of ideas helps us express our knowledge. The discourse surrounding what is considered academic, poses questions as to how our ideas and practice is shared with others. At what point do we need to change either our expression/language or form of communication to make our views more accessible for others?

Change does not always have to be u, negative or result in us losing our individuality or voice. It can be developmental and help open our minds to a new way of thinking which can add value to our practice. 

In reflection, by the end of the course my views of knowledge and the academic had started to evolve from when I first began. Watching other students final presentations validated this, and enabled me to move forward with my journey. 

Embracing change is embracing the willingness to learn. The two work together and are essential in helping us grow as professionals and also as perceptive human beings.  

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