Exploring Methods and Methodologies
Over the past 2 weeks I have been engrossed in background reading of my chosen topic and also contemplating the research methods and methodologies surrounding my research proposal. Through the literature search, I discovered that values were embedded in a number of disciplines. including educational philosophy, sociology, dance education and pedagogy, psychology and child development. I noticed similarities in the Grounded Theory approach discussed by Margaret Wilson (2009) and my research project. For example, using pedagogy as a source of analysis and ‘observing how the approach to teaching shaped the dancer’s experiences as well as how the student’s experiences…’ (Wilson, 2009, p5). However, the nature of the research also lends itself well to ethnography, because it is based on the views and experiences of the students and parents in my dance school. There is a sense that all social researchers are participant observers (Hammersley and Atkinson, 1995), thus my pre-fie...